Denver Newborn Photographer | Grayson's 6 Months Old

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing this little guy home from the hospital. Ashley and I are amazed at how much our little guy changes from one day to the next. He is now fully sitting up, laughing and talking up a storm (baby talk of course).  Yesterday after his morning nap, we had fun capturing these black and whites of Grayson in his birthday suit.  Hope you enjoy his squishy cheeks and little baby butt as much as we do.  Happy 6 Month's Baby G! Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0001 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0002 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0003 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0004 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0005 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0006 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0007 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0008 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0009 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0010 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0011 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0012 Grayson's 6Month Shoot_0013

Adrian Gwynn Youmell (AGY)'s Newborn Photos {Denver Newborn Photographer}

You probably remember introduce her to her first of many photo shoots at just 6 days old.  Nate + Shayna are currently working on many new home projects, so it seemed only fitting to memorialize this time in their life by having Agy pose for us on a fashionable Home Depot bucket.  She was a natural model and sure made that bucket look good.  We look forward to many more photo sessions in the future! Congrats Nate + Shayna! We couldn't be more thrilled for you guys! xoxo 2013-08-13_0001 2013-08-13_0002 2013-08-13_0003 2013-08-13_0004 2013-08-13_0005 2013-08-13_0006 2013-08-13_0007 2013-08-13_0008 2013-08-13_0009 2013-08-13_0010 2013-08-13_0011 2013-08-13_0012 2013-08-13_0013 2013-08-13_0014 2013-08-13_0015 2013-08-13_0016 2013-08-13_0017